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How much lead-time do I need to give you to provide me with a development team?
We can usually staff your project with highly trained team of professionals in just a few days after you hire us. However, if you want to bring the team on-site to your offices, it will take longer to arrange for transportation and paperwork.

I'm just starting my company and don't have much capital, can we work out a deal?
We work sometimes with start-ups we've identified as having great potential, but not a lot of working capital. In these cases, we form a strategic partnership where we provide development in return for royalties based on future sales of the products or services we develop.

How do I know how many developers I need? Often, clients know from past experience how many people they will need to complete a job. However, there are times when a project is totally new. In those cases, we can use our experience to help you determine what kind of help you'll need to complete the project successfully.



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